Friday, May 8, 2009

May 6

I love spring; it's my favorite season by far: the warmer temperatures, flowers, everything budding and blooming, the soft greens and surprisingly vibrant pinks and purples... even the rainy days are beautiful.

Except rainy days are not so fun when you're two years old and want to go play on your new swingset.

This, as well as many of the spring sketches I'll be doing/have done this month, was drawn from the window of one of the rooms in my house -- which I guess makes it faux plein air, because I'm not actually outside. (With a baby and a toddler, I can't fathom the idea of trying to sketch and keep an eye on them at the same time!)


winna said...

I really like this one--unusual coloring !

owenswain said...

You've been busy. Welcome to EDM and EDiM. Good on you.

Alex said...

Awesome perspective, and the soft colors reminding me it's quiet, warm but breezy morning. :) I like that feeling!

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...
