Monday, March 2, 2009

More from my latest project

As usual, I procrastinated and left a lot of the sketchbook blank until the last minute. Good thing I work well with a fast-approaching deadline!

As soon as I received it, I did a couple drawings, then lost track of time until about a week before it was due. So I did something like 24 spreads, or 48 pages, in about two days, and got it postmarked and sent off to the Art House just in time. The book was 64 pages total (a 3.5" x 5.5" Moleskine Cahier sketchbook).

The show is traveling to seven different cities, starting in Atlanta and including stops in Chicago, Washington DC, Philly, Boston, St. Louis and Brooklyn. Think it would be possible for me to check out the Chicago show with a baby and toddler in tow??!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely work.